Флудилка (часть 1)

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Тупой лох Олдем брейнротит и ведёт себя как последний конч. Шок контент, первый раз такое вижу.

3 лайка

Mr.Walker be like:
Ебаный рот этого Джона Реми, блять. Ты кто такой, сука? Чтоб это сделать?
Вы че, дибилы? Вы че, ебанутые? Вы внатуре ебанутые.
Эта сидит там, приказы запрашивает, блять. Этот стоит, говорит “ГСБ ахуенный”… Еб твою мать, у вас инструкции есть, чтоб это делать на моих глазах, мудак ебаный! Дегенерат ебучий! Вот пока ты это делал, дибил ебаный, сука, блять, так все и происходило

2 лайка

ты нах свой деанон кинул


3 лайка

Сяп, не знал

Цитаты великих синтетов


3 лайка

After 2020 being a absolute mess the Smissmas Update drops.
You think to yourself “It’s only a cosmetic and war paint case, but it’s not like we’re getting anything else.”
December 31st, 2020 you go on the TF2 Blog and see the Updates tab yelling out “new.”
You’re excited, “It’s not Smissmas so it has to be what I think it is.”
You click on the tab and see “Updated Localization Files.”
You then go to your favorite twitter page @HeavyUpdateOut and all you see is a big fat “NO” as the most recent tweet.
You then off yourself as you realize that there will never be another major update for this game ever again.

1 лайк

а это :smirk: я

1 лайк

[quote="[Аппеляция] Rahmamo, Snailcat, post:10, topic:21930"]
“Crysis Clown(as Gregory Hlus) says, “Хей” Crysis Clown(as Gregory Hlus) asks, “Погнали к нам?”” а затем начал его бить мечом

скидывай скрин логов атак и полный диалог. Я не поверю и напишу аппеляцию заново, с жалобой на тебя.

То есть, научных боргов можно использовать по назначению и отправлять на полигон? Каеф.

Фууу, токсики

А варны выдают за ддос атаку бумажкой на ИИ?

Офигеть, Лорд. Ты просмотрел 4 часа реплея за 2 часа висения жалобы…

Я прокачался и теперь у меня 48 часов в сутках, вот и успел. :sunglasses:

3 лайка

Мне даже интересно на это будет посмотреть - подавать жалобу на администратора, который отклонил апелляцию на бан, которой истёк год назад.

Ты не пытался, и это чётко видно по реплею. Две фразы, ты достаёшь меч и начинаешь его резать.
Вот кусок лога, от лежания в медбее до смерти


Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Лежите, он прросит”

Rashir Dar’zahr has finished repositioning flesh and nerve endings where Unknown’s left leg used to be with the retractor.

Rashir Dar’zahr starts adjusting the area around Unknown’s left leg with the cautery.

Rashir Dar’zahr has finished adjusting the area around Unknown’s left leg with the cautery.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Потерплю”

It becomes hard to see for some reason.

Rashir Dar’zahr starts attaching the left leg where Unknown’s left leg used to be.

Rashir Dar’zahr has attached the left leg where Unknown’s left leg used to be.

Unknown twists in pain.

Your left leg hurts badly.

Something feels like it shattered in your left leg!

Unknown screams in agony!

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Так вам и не больно”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “А теперррь больно”

Rashir Dar’zahr has analyzed Unknown’s vitals.

Please, just end the pain!

The pain is excrutiating!

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Хай бейба”

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) stammers, “Б-Бл-ляяя, п-пред-дуп-прежд-дат-ть н-над-д-д-до”

Your head stops throbbing…

Unknown slices open a finger and begins to chant and paint symbols on the floor.

Unknown tried to punch Unknown!

Unknown slices open a finger and begins to chant and paint symbols on the floor.

Rashir Dar’zahr asks, “Ррраширрру все?”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Рашир”

You feel faint

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Пиздец

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Я попрошу вас встать на руну”

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Ненавижу

LOOC: Unknown (Rahmamo): Мужик я тебя резать не стану

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Сейчас, приступ гнева пройдет

LOOC: Unknown (Pitchy0): слышь, съеби уже

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Встаньте на руну и никто не пострадант”

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: А то есил не пройдет пиздец

Rashir Dar’zahr says, "Рраширр сначала закончил лечение"

LOOC: Unknown (Pitchy0): нахуй иди, на жопе себе руну нарисуй

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Ладно”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Так уж и быть”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Но ему понадобится сделать один пррепаррат, для восстановления ноги”

Unknown slices open a finger and begins to chant and paint symbols on the floor.

Unknown has been laid on the operating table by Rashir Dar’zahr.

Unknown puts the book into the industrial backpack.

It becomes hard to see for some reason.

Unknown slices open a finger and begins to chant and paint symbols on the floor.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Ему нужно сделать пррепаррат сейчас”

Unknown puts the book into the industrial backpack.

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Obliyae na oraie.”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Делайе”

monkey [image][148.5] chimpers, “У**а”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Вот только”

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Сколько у меня ударов в минуту сердце

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Это пиздец

monkey [image][148.5] chimpers, “*****”

Unknown has been attacked in the left leg with Syringe (spaceacillin) by Rashir Dar’zahr!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Unknown grunts in pain!

Rashir Dar’zahr stabs Unknown with Syringe (spaceacillin)!

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Прростите его”

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Ай”

Unknown has been attacked in the left leg with syringe by Rashir Dar’zahr!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Unknown grunts!

Rashir Dar’zahr stabs Unknown with syringe!

Crew_transfer vote started by Klaud0.
Type vote or click here to place your votes.
You have 120 seconds to vote.

The OOC channel will be globally disabled during vote!

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Бля

LOOC: (Ghost) Klaud0: ахах

LOOC: (Ghost) Klaud0: ебать ты серый

LOOC: Unknown (Pitchy0): да сам удивлен

LOOC: Unknown (Pitchy0): а ты че в госте?

LOOC: (Ghost) Klaud0: меня офицер ебнул низачто

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Пиздец

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Скажитемне что нить

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Чтобы я успокоился”

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Кхм

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Что бы я успокиолся

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Кхм”

This is Rashir Dar’zahr !
They are wearing [image] a medical hardsuit helmet on their head.
They are wearing [image] a medical hardsuit.
They are carrying [image] a double emergency oxygen tank on their medical hardsuit.
They have [image] a medical backpack on their back.
They have [image] a belt about their waist.
They are wearing [image] PDA-Rashir Dar’zahr (Paramedic).

LOOC: (Ghost) Klaud0: Фиксики существуют

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Ррраширрр сказал мысли в слух”

Unknown чешет Раширу за ушком.

Rashir Dar’zahr starts the incision on Unknown’s left leg with the scalpel.

LOOC: Rashir Dar’zahr: Хах

LOOC: (Ghost) Klaud0: :dovolen:

Rashir Dar’zahr has made an incision on Unknown’s left leg with the scalpel.

Unknown grunts!

Rashir Dar’zahr starts clamping bleeders in Unknown’s left leg with the hemostat.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Осталось немного”

Rashir Dar’zahr clamps bleeders in Unknown’s left leg with the hemostat.

Rashir Dar’zahr starts to pry open the incision on Unknown’s left leg with the retractor.

You feel dizzy

Rashir Dar’zahr keeps the incision open on Unknown’s left leg with the retractor.

Rashir Dar’zahr asks, “Вы кто? офицерр?”

The OOC channel has been globally enabled!

Rashir Dar’zahr starts applying medication to the damaged bones in Unknown’s left leg with the bone gel.

Vote Tied Between:
End Shift
Continue Playing
Vote Result: End Shift

Priority Announcement

A crew transfer has been initiated. The shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.

It becomes hard to see for some reason.

The roller bed has been hit by Unknown with the oxygen tank.

Rashir Dar’zahr applies some the bone gel to Unknown’s bone in left leg

OOC: Klaud0: на нахуй

Rashir Dar’zahr is beginning to set the bone in Unknown’s left leg in place with the bone setter.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Нет, шахтер”

The roller bed has been hit by Unknown with the oxygen tank.

Unknown has thrown the oxygen tank.

Rashir Dar’zahr sets the bone in Unknown’s left leg in place with the bone setter.

This is Unknown, Human !
She is wearing [image] a white jumpsuit.
She is wearing [image] a dark grey trenchcoat.
She has [image] a red blood-covered industrial backpack on her back.
She has oil-stained hands!
She has [image] a tool-belt about her waist.
She is wearing [image] some red blood-covered white shoes on her feet!
She has [image] a welding goggles covering her eyes.
She is severely malnourished.
She has several fresh skins on her head.
Her face is violently disfigured!

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Он понял”

Rashir Dar’zahr starts to finish mending the damaged bones in Unknown’s left leg with the bone gel.

Rashir Dar’zahr has mended the damaged bones in Unknown’s left leg with the bone gel.

Rashir Dar’zahr is beginning to cauterize the incision on Unknown’s left leg with the cautery.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Съеби из операционной”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) asks, “Рашир, его может тоже на руну?”

Rashir Dar’zahr cauterizes the incision on Unknown’s left leg with the cautery.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Я встану и на бутылку тебя, а не на руну”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Сейчас, надо кожу еще восстановить”

Rashir Dar’zahr has analyzed Unknown’s vitals.

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Я предлагаю рашир”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Ты сейчас встанешь на руну”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “И доделаешь операцию”

Unknown has been attacked in the head with Syringe (spaceacillin) by Rashir Dar’zahr!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Rashir Dar’zahr stabs Unknown with Syringe (spaceacillin)!

Rashir Dar’zahr puts Syringe (spaceacillin) into the medical backpack.

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Время мало”

Unknown has been laid on the operating table by Rashir Dar’zahr.

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Эх”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “У вас пять секунд, чтобы отказаться”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “От затеянного”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “5”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “4”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) asks, “Почему так?”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “3”

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) asks, “У меня?”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “2”

Crysis Clown(as Unknown) says, “Отказываюсь”

[image] That’s a bone gel.

It’s a small item.

[image] That’s a floor.

[image] That’s a floor.

monkey [image][148.5] chimpers, “аа”

You are now getting up.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Он почти закончил”

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

It becomes hard to see for some reason.

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Unknown sleeps soundly.

Grayson Lewis sleeps soundly.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

Crysis Clown(as Gregory Hlus) asks, “Рашир, можно свои вещи забрать?”

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

[image] That’s a floor.

Grayson Lewis gasps!

Jean Attali starts salving wounds on Unknown’s right leg.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Нет, проваливай”

monkey [image][148.5] chimpers, “***аааа”

Grayson Lewis snores.

Unknown snores.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Если вы не будете”

Jean Attali covers wounds on Unknown’s right leg with regenerative membrane.

Grayson Lewis snores.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Его бить”

Grayson Lewis sleeps soundly.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “И пытаться”

Crysis Clown(as Gregory Hlus) says, “Окей”

Unknown sleeps soundly.

Unknown screams in pain loudly!

Grayson Lewis snores.

Unknown is buckled to the roller bed by Jean Attali!

[image] That’s some wet footprints.


Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Ррраширр прросто хочет увидеть совего бррата снова”

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Grayson Lewis coughs.

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Jean Attali starts salving wounds on Unknown’s chest.

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Jean Attali covers wounds on Unknown’s chest with regenerative membrane.

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Grayson Lewis gasps!

The roller bed has been hit by Jean Attali with the advanced burn kit.

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Jean Attali starts salving wounds on Unknown’s head.

Jean Attali covers wounds on Unknown’s head with regenerative membrane.

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) asks, “Рашир, мы уходим на шаттл?”

Jean Attali starts salving wounds on Unknown’s groin.

[image] The solution begins to bubble.

Jean Attali covers wounds on Unknown’s groin with regenerative membrane.

Grayson Lewis sleeps soundly.

Grayson Lewis sleeps soundly.

monkey [image][148.5] chimpers, “У*?”

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) exclaims, “О, я теперь выгляжу как и прежде!”

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

The roller bed has been hit by Jean Attali with the advanced burn kit.

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Rashir Dar’zahr is trying to inject Unknown!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

Vladislav Iris(as Unknown) stutters, “Т-Т-Т-Так-к, ал-л-л-лк-к-к-кизин-н, б-был-л в-вр-р-род-де”

Grayson Lewis gasps!

Rashir Dar’zahr injects Unknown with the syringe!

[image] That’s a floor.

Rashir Dar’zahr puts the syringe into the medical backpack.

Unknown writhes in heavy pain and screams!

[image] That’s an electrochromic window.

Adjusts its tint with voltage. Might take a few good hits to shatter it.

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Да”

Your whole body hurts a little.

Unknown was unbuckled by Jean Attali!

Vladislav Iris(as Unknown) yells like an idiot, “В-В-В Х-ХИМ-МИИ”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Теперррь вы здоррровы”

Grayson Lewis sleeps soundly.

[image] That’s a floor.

Unknown sleeps soundly.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Спасибо, Рашир лучше всех”

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “У него тррясутся рруки”

You hug Rashir Dar’zahr to make him feel better!

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Он”

You hug Rashir Dar’zahr to make him feel better!

Grayson Lewis snores.

You hug Rashir Dar’zahr to make him feel better!

Rashir Dar’zahr says, “Немног устал”

Rashir Dar’zahr hugs Unknown to make him feel better!

Grayson Lewis gasps!

[image] That’s a floor.

You feel dizzy

Grayson Lewis snores.

You feel dizzy

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki(as Unknown) says, “Рашир молодец, все будет хорошо”

Jean Attali is trying to inject Unknown!

Grayson Lewis sleeps soundly.

Jean Attali injects Unknown with the syringe!

You hug Rashir Dar’zahr to make him feel better!

You feel that your brain is more active.

You feel warmth inside your head.

Jean Attali shakes Unknown trying to wake him up!

Grayson Lewis snores.

Holden Mason starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Holden Mason climbs onto the reinforced table!

Gregory Hlus sleeps soundly.

Gregory Hlus sleeps soundly.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

Cracks begin to appear in the reinforced window!

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window looks seriously damaged!

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window looks like it’s about to shatter!

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

The reinforced window has been hit by Unknown with the metal rod.

Unknown has thrown the metal rod.

Crysis Clown(as Gregory Hlus) says, “Хей”

You feel faint

You start equipping the the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit.

Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) slices open a finger and begins to chant and paint symbols on the floor.

The stok (969) rolls.

You have finished equipping the the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit.

Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) puts the book into the industrial backpack.

You are not holding anything to equip.

[ADS] Initilazing automatic diagnostic system, welcome

[ADS] Vital signs are dropping

[ADS] Warning: Critical breaches detected. Evacuate low preasure area immediately

Crysis Clown(as Gregory Hlus) asks, “Погнали к нам?”

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki has been diced in the head with Cult Blade by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus)!

The tiny puncture on the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit gapes wider!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki writhes in heavy pain and screams!

Your head hurts badly.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki has been cut in the head with Cult Blade by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus)!

[ADS] RROR: utoaic dagnsti* sys**m is etarting

The tiny puncture on the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit gapes wider!

A ragged tear opens up on the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit!

Something feels like it shattered in your head!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki has been sliced in the head with Cult Blade by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus)!

The ragged tear on the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit gapes wider!

A tiny puncture opens up on the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit!

Something inside your head hurts a lot.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki screams in agony!

The wet footprints has been hit by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) with Cult Blade.

You switch the Industrial Welding Tool on.

The blood has been hit by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) with Cult Blade.

Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) has been attacked in the chest with Industrial Welding Tool by Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki has been attacked in the head with Cult Blade by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus)!

The tiny puncture on the punctured gem-encrusted hardsuit gapes wider!

The wound on your head widens with a nasty ripping voice.

The blood has been hit by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) with Cult Blade.

Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) has been attacked in the chest with Industrial Welding Tool by Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki has been diced in the head with Cult Blade by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus)!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki screams in pain loudly!

The blood has been hit by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) with Cult Blade.

Your head feels numb and painful.

Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) has been attacked in the chest with Industrial Welding Tool by Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki!

Unknown (as Gregory Hlus) screams in pain as much as she can!

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki has been ripped in the head with Cult Blade by Unknown (as Gregory Hlus)!

The hit has damaged one of your rig modules

Something inside your head hurts a lot.

Your armor softens the blow!

Your armor softens the blow!

You almost hear someone talking

Your armor softens the blow!

Your armor softens the blow!

Your armor softens the blow!

Your armor softens the blow!

Your armor softens the blow!

Your chest hurts.

Your armor softens the blow!

… You can almost hear something …

You almost hear someone talking

Your head hurts badly.

Your armor has softened hit to your chest.

Something is there but you can’t see it.

Something is there but you can’t see it.

Something is there but you can’t see it.

Something is there but you can’t see it.

Something is there but you can’t see it.

… You can almost hear something …

You almost hear someone talking

… You can almost hear something …

Your head hurts badly.

You almost hear someone talking

You almost hear someone talking

Your whole body is going numb!

… You can almost hear something …

Your chest hurts badly.

Current Admins (1):
Snailcat is a Admin Candidate

No Mentors online

You almost hear someone talking

You almost hear someone talking

Your head hurts badly.

… You can almost hear something …

You almost hear someone talking

…You hear something about…vnor’c

Your chest hurts badly.

You almost hear someone talking

Your head hurts badly.

Your armor has softened hit to your chest.

Something feels like it shattered in your chest!

… You can almost hear something …

Your chest hurts badly.

Your armor has softened hit to your chest.

Pshekbzdrek Probzdecki seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless…

По поводу “удаления” заметки из личного дела - во-первых, ты всё таки нарушил правила, во-вторых, на данный момент удалить не получиться, и в-третьих - никто собственно смотреть на запись годовалой давности не будет, а если будет - то ты можешь написать жалобу на форум.

Когда уже педали смогут писать жалобы на игроков, эхххх.

2 лайка

Я бы тоже понижал зарплату инженерам, которые расходуют запасные платы из хранилища плат на всякую чепуху.

Я могу и напутать, но кажись он, будучи РД, увольнял меня, роботехника, за то что выполнял свою работу не так как он от меня ждёт c:

Разве инженерам не нужен автолат?(да и кому вообще эта плата нужна, не видел особо саботажей с ней, ток инженеры и делают в инженерке его)

1 лайк