[Банхаммер] ГСБ, ХОП

[Банхаммер] ГСБ, ХОП

0. Сервер, на котором было совершено нарушение.

Tau Ceti Classic I

1. 0:00-0:40, 28113

2. Имена присутствовавших администраторов

3. Имя персонажа, логин, любая полезная информация, которая может помочь опознать нарушителя.


4. Опишите, что произошло. Приложите имеющиеся логи, скриншоты и прочие доказательства нарушений.

ГСБ устроил тиранию, установил монархию, грабил персонал, подвешивал за крючки людей и таким образом убивал их, приказал убить ВСЕХ медиков и так далее.
ХОП же ничего не писал в ЦК по этому поводу и вообще ему было норм, как и остальным членам СБ.
Импланты лояльности дали сбой?

Loaded font size setting of: 14px

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Welcome to Space Station 13!

Non-russian speakers are welcome too, just try to be friendly? Short guide how to play as foreingers.
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You have unread updates in the changelog.
Sending Resources, please wait…

OOC: OBond: Почему я постоянно забываю сменить флавор “нигга”, ведь у меня белый персонаж

Your connection has been restored (probably)!

You are the Research Assistant.
As the Research Assistant you answer directly to research director. Special circumstances may change this.
Your account number is: 682442, your account pin is: 54383

You put the ID into PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant)'s slot.

Bridge announcement

Господа алкоголики, хулиганы и тунеядцы. Из-за вашей паршивой рабоыт станции урезали финансирование вдвое.

Shuttle recieved message and will be sent shortly.

You put the crowbar into the scientist backpack.

Jingle Jungle [145.9] says, “КАДЕТ УБИВАЕТ”

Jingle Jungle [145.9] says, “МОЛЧА”

Andre Yukha [145.9] says, “Эъ”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Где”

Claire Addison [145.9] says, “Где?”

Andre Yukha [145.9] says, “Где”

OOC: EzeCrazy: Роли вообще розданы ? Движа нет)

You buckle yourself to Bench.

Royce Rader [145.9] says, “Тогда молча умри просто.”

OOC: DITC228: цыц.

OOC: OBond: Есть

OOC: Fukfuk: начало раунда

Gabriel Wallin has thrown the emergency box.

OOC: OBond: Тольк тчо было

You put the autoinjector into the scientist backpack.

OOC: Fukfuk: хули ты хотел

Dante McKinney [145.9] says, “Клоун нагло пиздит. Он первый начал”

You put the breath mask into the scientist backpack.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Если мне понизят зарплату, то я не буду настраивать двигатель, и сидите в космосе без света и отопления.”

OOC: Sheo: Я щас для кого-то открою тайну

You unbuckle yourself from Bench.

Kyle Rihter [Science] asks, “ИИ зачем ты закрыл дверь?”

Sharr Noor [Science] says, “ИИ, кадет его огрррабить пытался”

That’s a science radio headset.
A sciency headset. Like usual. To access the science channel, use :n.
It’s a small item.
the science radio headset can not be attached or modified!

OOC: Sheo: Но сска она не то чтобы про движ

Morgan Shold [145.9] says, “Лим, ты будешь сидеть с нами в космосе без света и отопления так то”

Roku Kra-Ag says, “Руки убрали”

Ferdinand [Science] states, “Там ижёт задержание”

Roku Kra-Ag exclaims, “Зеленый код!”

Talo Stamos pins Roku Kra-Ag down to the ground (now hands)!

Akiro Sagowara exclaims, “А НУ!”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Бля,точно”

Talo Stamos has reinforced his grip on Roku Kra-Ag (now neck)!

Akiro Sagowara shouts, “На кого руки поднял!”

Kyle Rihter [Science] says, “Понял тебя ии”

Jingle Jungle [145.9] says, “Я уснул а меня уже грабит кадет!”

Akiro Sagowara exclaims, “Лапы или что там блять у тебя!”

OOC: Sheo: Бывают моменты

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Ладно”

Jingle Jungle says, “Я получил психическую травму”

Sharr Noor [Science] says, “Нет, кадет хочет маску клоуна забррать”
Sharr Noor talks into the science radio headset

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “ОХРАНА ИЗБИВАЕТ”

OOC: Sheo: Но они потому и запоминаются что большую часть времени

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “ПРИ ЗЕЛЕНОМ КОДЕ”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Она потверрждает”

Simon Koster says, “Всмысле”

Claire Addison handed the flash to Simon Koster.

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Плеткой избивают унатха”

OOC: Sheo: Что они редки

This is Jingle Jungle !
They are wearing a monkey suit.
They have Giggles von Honkerton on their back.
They have a hyper soaker about their waist.
They have a clown wig and mask on their face.
They have a radio headset on their left ear.
They are wearing PDA-Jingle Jungle (Clown).

Jingle Jungle says, “Он использует свою власть”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Которрый хотел настрроить двигатель”

Jingle Jungle hugs Sharr Noor to make him feel better!

Jingle Jungle says, “Ты мой герой”

Set Evengod says, ““Очень сложно””

Kyle Rihter says, “Все что-то мешают”

Derek Jewel [145.9] says, “Так бьют чтобы быстрее настраивал”

Set Evengod buckles themselves to the comfy chair.

Kyle Rihter buckles themselves to the comfy chair.

Ra’anshad Sephs says, “Я бы сскассал пойти тебе нахуй, но ты и так ссам уже понял”

Set Evengod says, “Ну так что”

Ra’anshad Sephs says, “Бля”

Set Evengod says, “Продолжим пить кофе”

Ra’anshad Sephs says, “Он не уссслышал”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Потому что унатх- даже не техассистент, а просто подопытный”

Kyle Rihter coughs!

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Andre Yukha [145.9] says, “А, просто унатх криминал, он подопытный а двери взламывать умеет, так и надо этим криминальным ящерам”

Ra’anshad Sephs says, “Роботех, сссоссси”

Set Evengod whispers something.

Kyle Rihter coughs!

The comfy chair has been hit by Set Evengod with Duke Purple Tea.

Ra’anshad Sephs says, “Вот теперь уссслышал”

Kyle Rihter coughs!

This is Sharr Noor, a Tajaran !
He is wearing a grey jumpsuit. Attached to it is a blue tie.
He is wearing a scientist labcoat.
He has a leather satchel on his back.
He has a prescription glasses covering his eyes.
He has a science radio headset on his left ear.
He has a rubber ducky on his right ear.
He is wearing Sharr Noor’s ID Card (Scientist).

Jingle Jungle says, “Ну оно и верно”

DET5 beeps, “…this is a joke”

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, “Nikorasu Daku has entered long-term storage.”

That’s a science goggles.
The goggles do nothing!
It’s a small item.

That’s Portable Air Scrubber.

OOC: Murlik: Air Scrubber это что?

OOC: RealLord: фильтр

Alex Cuts [145.9] says, “Требуеться замена лампочки в операционную”

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

OOC: Murlik: ммм

Access Denied.

You start drying your hands.

Access Denied.

Gabriel Wallin says, “И-извините”

Set Evengod says, “Что”

Kyle Rihter says, “Заняты мы”

Gabriel Wallin asks, “Вам ассистент не нужен?”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Ой, ивзините”

Kyle Rihter says, “Пока что нет.”

Set Evengod says, “МНе нет”

The board is full! Clean it to write again.

That’s a chalkboard.
Something is written out there, you start reading…


Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

The board is full! Clean it to write again.3

The comfy chair has been hit by Set Evengod with Duke Purple Tea.

Head of Security’s Desk announcement

Говорит глава службы безопасности. Так как из-за вас, дармоедов, охранный канал тоже лишился половину зарплаты, чтобы компенсировать материальный ущерб офицеров, я разрешаю им забирать у вас любое понравившееся имущество. Вы не имеете права как-то сопротивляться или мешать им. Любой провинившийся будет прилюдно бит плетями.

Kyle Rihter coughs!

Ra’anshad Sephs [145.9] says, “Ты тупо ссписсдил мою карту уебок”

Ra’anshad Sephs [145.9] asks, “Как мне теперь меха сстроить, шшто бы вам ебало ссломать?”

Access Denied.

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “Иди гавно жри”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Справедливо”

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “Или чем вы там фашики занимаетессь”

Claire Addison [145.9] asks, “Гробануть?”

Claire Addison [145.9] says, “Извиняюсь”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Хопа в хопскую.”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Или капитана”

Set Evengod says, “Хм”

Kyle Rihter coughs!2

Kyle Rihter whispers something.

Set Evengod whispers something.

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “У нас только ГСБ. Черт”

Kyle Rihter whispers something.

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] exclaims, “Ох… Да начнется тирания!”

This is Rirassa Ar’Ranji, a Tajaran !
She is wearing some olive field pants. Attached to it is a red tie.
She is wearing a red beret on her head.
She has a satchel on her back.
She has some mangled black gloves on her hands.
She is wearing some oil-covered sandals on her feet!
She has a sunglasses covering her eyes.
She has a security radio headset on her left ear.
She is wearing PDA-Rirassa Ar’Ranji (Forensic Technician).

This is Ra’anshad Sephs, an Unathi !
He is wearing a roboticist’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing Kung headband on his head.
He is wearing a plaid.
He has a satchel on his back.
He has some black fingerless gloves on his hands.
He is wearing some sandals on his feet.
He has a prescription glasses covering his eyes.
He has a science radio headset on his left ear.
Крупный представитель своей расы. Ро… More…

Dante McKinney [145.9] says, “Andre Yukha ослепил меня и забрал ПДА с картой”

Gabriel Wallin attempted to disarm Gabriel Wallin!

Gabriel Wallin has disarmed Gabriel Wallin!

Gabriel Wallin has pushed Gabriel Wallin!

Gabriel Wallin attempted to disarm Gabriel Wallin!

Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

Gabriel Wallin has pushed Gabriel Wallin!

Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

You can taste fruity alcohol.
You swallow a gulp of Bahama Mama.

You swallow a gulp of Bahama Mama.3

You can taste fruity alcohol.
You swallow a gulp of Bahama Mama.

Bridge announcement

Бар переезжает в бриг! Нехрен вам пить, пока не начнете приносить пользу корпорации!

You swallow a gulp of Bahama Mama.

You can taste fruity alcohol.
You swallow a gulp of Bahama Mama.

You swallow a gulp of Bahama Mama.

None of Drinking glass left, oh no!2

A.I. Announcement

Двигатель сингулярности запущен и стабилен. Единственный сотрудник, которого мы можем благодарить - тех. ассистент Лим Тресспадас, который несмотря на все обстоятельства смог обеспечить энергией всю станцию. Браво!

None of Drinking glass left, oh no!

Drinking glass is empty.

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.3

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “Браво.”

You set Drinking glass on the machine.

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “За это меня ВОЗЬМУТ В СБ? НУ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА”

Johnaton Popstar [145.9] says, “ИИ открой химику , Сб карту украли”

You can taste liquid fire.
You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.

You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.

You can taste liquid fire.
You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.

You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] asks, “А-э…ХоС, а куда всё тащить то?”

You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.2

You can taste liquid fire.
You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.

You swallow a gulp of Glass of vodka.3

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Stevie Hogan [145.9] says, “Почему все повально хотят в СБ?”

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

None of Drinking glass left, oh no!

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Выгодно…”
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] says, “Бармен”
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

None of Drinking glass left, oh no!

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] says, “Все во бщак”

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “У меня доступа нету, увы.”

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] says, “Бар будет в общаке”

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You can taste coffee and booze.
You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

You swallow a gulp of Irish Coffee.

None of Drinking glass left, oh no!

Stevie Hogan [145.9] says, “У меня вот головка полового органа сильнее током бьется, чем их станбатоны”

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

OOC: Hynex: Ебятишки. Как реагент в дым распылить? Видел как бармен варлок в руках в дым распылял, без химии. Менторы тоже не знают

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

OOC: RealLord: добавить в гранату Smoke

OOC: RealLord: готово

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

OOC: Sheo: кадило

Jukebox begins to play “Legacy”, by The Gone Jackals, from ‘Bone To Pick’.


Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “Лим ты нихера не насстроил в ссети жалкие 50 тыссяч ватт”

OOC: Sheo: Ну либо с химией

You put your fingers into your own mouth.

OOC: Nervol: он из базовых компонентов сделал смоук

You feel nauseous.

OOC: Hynex: Внатуре кадило

Your stomach feels uneasy.

You feel something coming up your throat!

You throw up!

OOC: Nervol: там чета из сахара, воды

You put your fingers into your own mouth.

You feel nauseous.

Your stomach feels uneasy.

You put your fingers into your own mouth.

You feel nauseous.

Your stomach feels uneasy.

Andrew Kepplinger begins unlocking Jukebox’s casters.

You feel something coming up your throat!

You throw up!

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Я все сделал под присмотром ИИ, и сингулярность запущена. Я вообще-то даже не инженер, не трогай меня”

Andrew Kepplinger unlocks Jukebox’s casters.

OOC: Sheo: В баре вроде нет нужных компонентов

You put your fingers into your own mouth.

You feel nauseous.

Your stomach feels uneasy.

You feel something coming up your throat!

You throw up!

OOC: Sheo: Разве что из ботаники брать

OOC: Nervol: пиздишь сахар

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “А то есссть как девченка звать маму ссс папой ты можешь”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “ГСБ? Смиренно стою у ворот брига”

You put Drinking glass into the scientist backpack.2

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “А когда сс тебя требует как ссо взросслого, так ссразу под сстол”

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “ИИ проверь выход на сссмесссах, он ссслабый”

Jingle Jungle [145.9] says, “ХоС”

Kris Praison [145.9] says, “ИИ, пропусти в инж.отсек, я хочу СЕМСы проверить, настроить”

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Ferdinand [145.9] states, “Я могу и сам проверить”

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

Roku Kra-Ag [145.9] says, “Ну так проверяй”

You are now crawling.

You are now getting up.

That’s a beer keg.
A beer keg.
It contains:
975 units of Beer

Kris Praison [145.9] asks, “А настроить дистанционно сможешь?”

You are now crawling.

Rirassa Ar’Ranji starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Ик”

Ferdinand [145.9] states, “Готово”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji climbs onto the reinforced table!

Rirassa Ar’Ranji shakes Gabriel Wallin trying to wake him up!

Rirassa Ar’Ranji hugs Gabriel Wallin to make him feel better!2

Kris Praison [145.9] says, “Окей…”

You put Drinking glass into the scientist backpack.2

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.2

You fill Beer glass with 5 units of the contents of the beer keg.

Beer glass is full.

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.2

You fill Beer glass with 5 units of the contents of the beer keg.

Beer glass is full.3

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

You fill Beer glass with 5 units of the contents of the beer keg.

Beer glass is full.

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.2

You fill Beer glass with 5 units of the contents of the beer keg.

Beer glass is full.2

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

Set Evengod [145.9] says, “Все борги, которым надо улучшение, попрошу в отдел робототехники”

Beer glass is full.4

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

Beer glass is full.4

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

Beer glass is full.4

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

Beer glass is full.3

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

That’s Beer glass.
A freezing pint of beer.
It contains:
25 units of liquid.
It’s a small item.4

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.2

You fill Beer glass with 5 units of the contents of the beer keg.

Beer glass is full.

You put Beer glass into the scientist backpack.

Gabriel Wallin starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Gabriel Wallin climbs onto the reinforced table!

You put the wrench into the scientist backpack.

You put the high-capacity power cell into the scientist backpack.

You put the welding tool into the scientist backpack.

You put the wirecutters into the scientist backpack.

Andre Yukha hugs Gabriel Wallin to make him feel better!
You put the cable coil into the scientist backpack.

Andre Yukha hugs Gabriel Wallin to make him feel better!

Andre Yukha blinds Gabriel Wallin with the flash!

Andre Yukha has grabbed Gabriel Wallin passively!

Andre Yukha pins Gabriel Wallin down to the ground (now hands)!

Current Admins (1):
Balphagore is a Game Admin

Current Mentors (2):
GagaGames D123 is a Mentor
Fukfuk is a Mentor

Andre Yukha covers Gabriel Wallin’s mouth!

Morgan Shold [Security] says, “Она меня пыталась на землю повалить”

Lynn Young [Security] says, “Местоц”

Akiro Sagowara [Security] says, “Место блять назови”

Andre Yukha says, “Ваше имущество изымается на счет СБ”

Gabriel Wallin мычит

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [Security] says, “Медей”

Akiro Sagowara [Security] says, “Варден”

Andre Yukha has reinforced his grip on Gabriel Wallin (now neck)!

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Andre Yukha is trying to take off PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant) from Gabriel Wallin’s suit!

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [Security] shouts, “Она не тррогала вас!”

Talo Stamos [Security] says, “Таяра ебнутая на всю голову”

Gabriel Wallin громко мычит

Andre Yukha puts PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant) into the security backpack.

Alex Cuts [145.9] says, “Медбэй запрашивает больше сумок для трупов, ввиду недостачи средств для лечения, мы готовимся к худшему.”

Talo Stamos [Security] says, “Мешает задержанию”

Andre Yukha punched Gabriel Wallin!

Your chest hurts.

Akiro Sagowara [Security] says, “Лин”

Andre Yukha blinds Gabriel Wallin with the flash!

Akiro Sagowara [Security] says, “Подойди”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [Security] says, “Она ничего не делала а ее все оскорррбляют”

Lynn Young [Security] asks, “А?”

Andre Yukha has thrown Gabriel Wallin.

You are crashed into the floor!

Gabriel Wallin [145.9] stammers, “У’ МЕнЯ ЗабРАл’и 'пдА с айди каРТой…”
Gabriel Wallin stammers, " У’ МЕнЯ ЗабРАл’и 'пдА с айди каРТой… "

Gabriel Wallin [145.9] stutters, “за Что…”
Gabriel Wallin stutters, " за Что… "

Your head hurts.

You put the high-capacity power cell into the scientist backpack.

Sharr Noor [145.9] yells, “Офицерр с нее деньги воррует!”

You put the welding tool into the scientist backpack.

Andre Yukha [145.9] says, “Потому что ты лох, СБ не уважаешь”

You put the wrench into the scientist backpack.

Set Evengod [145.9] says, “Борги, не прошедшие улучшение, т.е замена батареи и получшения модуля ВТЕК, пройдите в отдел робототехники”

Simon Koster shouts, “СЛАВА СБ!!”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Офицеры, впустите в бриг”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “СБ даже своих избивает”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “И пытается огрррабить”

OOC: Murlik: Эй

Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “эй”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “ОтДай”

Ferdinand [145.9] queries, “Можно вас в ваш офис?”

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “ДАЙ”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “нУ оТДай!”

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “В бриге лампы повырубало.”

Andre Yukha has thrown PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).

Gabriel Wallin has been hit in the chest by PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).

This PDA does not have an ID in it.

Gabriel Wallin [145.9] stutters, “Отдай мне мОЮ Карту!”
Gabriel Wallin stutters, " Отдай мне мОЮ Карту! "

Derek Jewel [145.9] says, “Бей своих чтоб чужие боялись!”

Andre Yukha has thrown Gabriel Wallin’s ID Card (Research Assistant).

Sharr Noor [Science] says, “Нужно парроль поставить на каррту”

Central Command Update

Security Alert

Malignant trojan detected in NSS Exodus imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement.

Sharr Noor [Science] says, “Офицеррры воррруют деньги”

Access granted. Welcome user ‘Gabriel Wallin.’

Set Evengod [Science] says, “Какую”

You put the ID into PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant)'s slot.

Set Evengod [Science] says, “Понятно”

Sharr Noor [Science] says, “В банкомате”

The scientist backpack is too full, make some space.

You are unable to equip that.2

The scientist backpack is too full, make some space.

You put 500 credit chip into the scientist backpack.

Ferdinand [Science] states, “Можете в настройках банковского счета поставить чтобы для снятия средств требовался пароль от аккаунта”

You are unable to equip that.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

You put the autoinjector into the scientist backpack.

Set Evengod [145.9] shouts, “Борги блять, идите на улучшение!”

You put 100 credit chip into the scientist backpack.

You put 50 credit chip into the scientist backpack.

You remove the ID from the PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).

Access granted. Welcome user ‘Gabriel Wallin.’

You insert 500 credit chip into NanoTrasen Automatic Teller Machine.

You insert 100 credit chip into NanoTrasen Automatic Teller Machine.

You insert 50 credit chip into NanoTrasen Automatic Teller Machine.

You insert 10 credit chip into NanoTrasen Automatic Teller Machine.

You put Gabriel Wallin’s ID Card (Research Assistant) into the scientist backpack.

You put the ID into PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant)'s slot.

OOC: Hynex: Как кадилом дым распылить? А то пшыкаю прост.

Gabriel Wallin [Science] stammers, “я Принёс п’иВА!’”
Gabriel Wallin stammers, " я Принёс п’иВА!’ "

Royce Rader [145.9] says, “Ребята, у кого есть деньги на счёте? Главы у всех сняли, проверьте у себя!”

You put the wirecutters into the scientist backpack.

Royce Rader [145.9] says, “И скажите, если есть.”

You put the cable coil into the scientist backpack.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Simon Koster yells, “Слава сб!!”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “Нет”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Вы’ УроДы!”

Simon Koster says, “Непонял”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Ук’рАЛИ деньгИ мОи”

Lynn Young knocks on the reinforced window.4

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “ГСБ, приказ выполнен”

Lynn Young knocks on the reinforced window.

Simon Koster yells, “СЛАВА СБ!!!”

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] says, “Отлично”

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] says, “Ожидай”

Set Evengod [Science] says, “ИИ, прикажи всем боргам по одному пройти на улудшение, я им батарею сменю, и по возможности ВТЕК поставлю”

You buckle yourself to the bed.

Gabriel Wallin checks Reed Buzzard’s pulse.
This is Reed Buzzard, a Human !
He is wearing a pilot’s jumpsuit.
He has a backpack on his back.
He has some black fingerless gloves on his hands.
He has PDA-Reed Buzzard (Mecha Operator) about his waist.
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has a radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Reed Buzzard’s ID Card (Mecha Operator).
He isn’t responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.
He isn’t responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.
He has suddenly fallen asleep.

He has a pulse!

You unbuckle yourself from the bed.

You put the autoinjector into the scientist backpack.

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off Reed Buzzard’s ID Card (Mecha Operator) from Reed Buzzard’s suit!

Simon Koster fires the taser gun!2

Simon Koster fires the taser gun!
You have been shot!
Gabriel Wallin is hit by the stun beam in the chest!3

Simon Koster holsters the the taser gun.

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “АаАААаА’АА”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “За что??”

Simon Koster exclaims, “СЛАВА СБ!!”

You really need some painkillers…

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “ааАаААААА’АА”

Simon Koster shouts, “ГОВОРИ!!”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “бОлЬНО”

You are now crawling.

Simon Koster shakes Gabriel Wallin trying to wake him up!

Simon Koster exclaims, “ГОВОРИ!!”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “поМ’ОГИТЕ’!”

Gabriel Wallin [145.9] stammers, “ПоМоГИТе В дОР’МАХ НАсИ’ЛУЮТ”
Gabriel Wallin stammers, " ПоМоГИТе В дОР’МАХ НАсИ’ЛУЮТ "

You buckle yourself to the bed.

Gabriel Wallin залез под одеяло

Simon Koster says, “Я ТЕБЯ В УЧАСТОК ОТВЕДУ”

Gabriel Wallin is having trouble keeping their eyes open.

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “я ПОД-Д оД-ДеЯл-лоМ-М”

Simon Koster says, “КАДЕТ”

Your whole body is going numb!

Reed Buzzard snores.

Simon Koster says, “ЕЕ АРЕСТОВАТЬ”

Andre Yukha says, “Кого”

Simon Koster points to Gabriel Wallin.

You were unbuckled from the bed by Andre Yukha.

Andre Yukha has grabbed Gabriel Wallin passively!

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “ЭЙ-Й”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “ААаААА”

Andre Yukha has grabbed Gabriel Wallin aggressively (now hands)!

Andre Yukha covers Gabriel Wallin’s mouth!

Claire Addison asks, “Что ты делаешь?”

Gabriel Wallin мычит

Claire Addison attempted to disarm Andre Yukha!

Claire Addison asks, “За что?”

Simon Koster says, “СТОЙ”

Claire Addison hugs Andre Yukha to make him feel better!2

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “За что’оО”

Andre Yukha says, “И”

Simon Koster says, “За нарушение”

Claire Addison asks, “Какое нарушение?”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Я нИчег’о не ДЕлал”

Claire Addison says, “Пусти его”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “Я В РАцИЮ кРичаЛ”

Simon Koster says, “Побег от сб,оскорление сб”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Ты меНЯ сОБИРался иЗнасилОвать”

Claire Addison asks, “Кого он оскорбил?”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “какой пОБег”

Simon Koster says, “Еще плюс клевета”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “КакИЕ оск’орБЛе’Ния’”

Claire Addison asks, “Кого он оскорбил?”

You’re restrained! You can’t move!2

You’re restrained! You can’t move!
You’re restrained! You can’t move!

You’re restrained! You can’t move!
You’re restrained! You can’t move!
You’re restrained! You can’t move!

You’re restrained! You can’t move!

You’re restrained! You can’t move!
You’re restrained! You can’t move!

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Ксенобиолог”

Simon Koster says, “Меня”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “ПУст’и’Ти МЕня”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Вы зачем ей это дали”

Claire Addison asks, “Попроси у него прощения?”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “Ты м’ЕНя т’АзеРом вЫстрелиЛ”

Claire Addison is trying to take off some handcuffs from Gabriel Wallin’s hands!

Simon Koster says, “Я это так просто не оставлю”

Lim Tresspadas says, “АГА ГЕЙ-ОРГИЯ”

Claire Addison puts the handcuffs into the security satchel.

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “ИЗв’ИниТе, чТо я Не о’скоРблЯЛ ва’с, Но вы 'осКОРб’иЛись”

Lim Tresspadas says, “ПОПАЛИСЬ”

Claire Addison says, “Всё,уходим”

Andre Yukha says, “Наручники верните”

Simon Koster asks, “Тебе вломить?”

This is Claire Addison, a Human !
She is wearing a security cadet’s uniform.
She has a security satchel on her back.
She has a stun baton about her waist.
She is wearing some red blood-covered jackboots on her feet!
She has a security radio headset on her left ear.
She is wearing PDA-Claire Addison (Security Cadet).
Девушка ростом чуть выше среднего.Ры… More…

Simon Koster says, “Я же сказал”

Claire Addison says, “Понимаешь ведь что я не позволю тебе вломить честному человеку”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “клЭр, с’пасибо тебЕ!”

Reed Buzzard snores.

You hug Claire Addison to make her feel better!

Claire Addison says, “Всегда пожалуйста”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “Я тИбЯ л’ю!”

Reed Buzzard snores.

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “А Ты!”

Claire Addison says, “Попозже…проспись сначала”

Gabriel Wallin points to Simon Koster.

Simon Koster says, “Да да да”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “Ты о чень ПлОх’ой’ человЕК!”

Simon Koster says, “Ладно иди”

You put the breath mask into the scientist backpack.

Kyle Rihter snores.

Simon Koster says, “С тобой еще встретимся”

Gabriel Wallin stammers, “не нАдЕЮс’Ь”

Ra’anshad Sephs knocks on the reinforced window.2

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “СБ прриказало убить всех медиков”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Вау”

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “Это нечто”

Your suit will now report your vital lifesigns as well as your coordinate position.

Kris Praison [145.9] exclaims, “Это же сумешествие!”

Set Evengod [145.9] asks, “А за шо медиков то?”

Dante McKinney says, “Черт!”

This is Rirassa Ar’Ranji, a Tajaran !
She is wearing some olive field pants. Attached to it is a red tie.
She is wearing a red beret on her head.
She has a satchel on her back.
She has some mangled black gloves on her hands.
She is wearing some oil-covered sandals on her feet!
She has a sunglasses covering her eyes.
She has a security radio headset on her left ear.
She has a syringe on her right ear.
She is wearing PDA-Rirassa Ar’Ranji (Forensic Technician).

Without even breaking stride, Jingle Jungle flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.

Jingle Jungle lights up the thurible.

Medibot beeps, “Radar, put a mask on!”

Gabriel Wallin [145.9] stutters, “ВЫ ЧТО ДЕлАЕ’ТЕ?”
Gabriel Wallin stutters, " ВЫ ЧТО ДЕлАЕ’ТЕ? "

Jingle Jungle extinguishes the thurible.

Gabriel Wallin [145.9] stammers, “ваМ САмИМ НЕ стЫ’Дно”
Gabriel Wallin stammers, " ваМ САмИМ НЕ стЫ’Дно "

Rirassa Ar’Ranji fires the revolver!2

Johnaton Popstar is having trouble keeping their eyes open.

Rirassa Ar’Ranji fires the revolver!

You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Simon Koster.
Simon Koster screams in agony!
Simon Koster is hit by the bullet in the left arm!

Rirassa Ar’Ranji fires the revolver!2

Cracks begin to appear in the reinforced window!

Rirassa Ar’Ranji fires the revolver!

Royce Rader is hit by the bullet in the head!

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “ЧТо Ты дЕлаеШь’”

Dante McKinney stammers, “Б-БЛ-ЛЯТЬ!”

That’s a floor.

Medibot beeps, “Wait Royce Rader! I want to help!”
Medibot points at Royce Rader!

That’s a floor.

Dante McKinney stutters, “С-С-СУКА!”

Simon Koster says, “Бля”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] asks, “ГСБ? Вам помощь нужна?”

Dante McKinney starts treating Dante McKinney’s head.

Morgan Shold talks into the security radio headset

Johnaton Popstar stammers, “От-тпус-ст-ти м-м-мен-ня!”

Simon Koster cries out and drops what they were holding in their left hand!.

Otto Von Schmidt puts the syringe gun into the chemist backpack.

Lim Tresspadas says, “О”

Dante McKinney cleans gaping hole on Dante McKinney’s head and seals edges with bioglue.

Morgan Shold talks into the security radio headset

Otto Von Schmidt is having trouble keeping their eyes open.
Medibot is trying to inject Simon Koster!

Simon Koster screams in pain and drops what they were holding in their left hand!.

Alex Cuts stammers, “Н-Ну л-лад-дн-но”

Lim Tresspadas asks, “Их и повесят на крюках?”

Otto Von Schmidt stutters, “В-Вы к-как-к?”
Medibot injects Simon Koster with the syringe!

Simon Koster puts the stun baton into the baton sheath.

Medibot beeps, “Feel better soon!”

Alex Cuts stutters, “К-Как-к сч-читаешь нуж-жн-ным-м-м”

Lim Tresspadas asks, “Да?”

Medibot beeps, “Hey, Dante McKinney! Hold on, I’m coming.”
Medibot points at Dante McKinney!

Royce Rader says, “Пошли тут”

Current Admins (1):
Softheart is a Admin

Current Mentors (2):
GagaGames D123 is a Mentor
Fukfuk is a Mentor

Morgan Shold puts PDA-Dante McKinney (Chemist) into the security satchel.

Simon Koster says, “Спасите”

Royce Rader says, “Быстрее.”

Medibot is trying to inject Dante McKinney!
Andre Yukha says, “Химиков тоже надо арестовать”

Medibot injects Dante McKinney with the syringe!

Andre Yukha says, “Они заодно”

Lim Tresspadas exclaims, “Повесьте на крюках их! Пожалуйста!”

Medibot beeps, “All patched up!”

Royce Rader has grabbed Alex Cuts passively!

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “вЫ 'ч’т’О ТВОрИТЕ”

Simon Koster says, “Рукка”

Otto Von Schmidt stammers, “Д-Да за ч-чо?”

The security camera deactivates!

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “Блять”
Lim Tresspadas talks into the engineering radio headset

Alex Cuts 's body becomes limp.

Dante McKinney says, “ВЫЙДИ”

You hug Dante McKinney to make him feel better!

Royce Rader has reinforced his grip on Alex Cuts (now neck)!

Otto Von Schmidt stutters, “Ч-Чт-то м-мы т-т-то с-с-с-сдел-л-л-лали?”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Вас уБиВаюТ!”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] says, “СБ, ЕМП в медбее”
Lim Tresspadas talks into the engineering radio headset

Simon Koster says, “Док”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Вы совсем что ли?”

Simon Koster yells, “Док!!”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Вас повесить хотят”

Dante McKinney has analyzed Dante McKinney’s vitals.2

Otto Von Schmidt stutters, “К-К-К-Как-к х-х-х-хуев-во”

Priority Announcement

Attention! Security level elevated to blue

Командование получило надежную информацию о возможной враждебной активности на борту станции. Служба безопасности может носить оружие на виду. Однако не следует вынимать его без необходимости. Разрешается личный обыск персонала и отсеков станции без предварительных санкций.

Dante McKinney says, “Черт”

Simon Koster says, “Помоги”

Simon Koster says, “Я ранен”

This is Simon Koster, a Human !
He is wearing a security officer’s jumpsuit. Attached to it is a shoulder holster.
He is wearing a security armor.
He has a security satchel on his back.
He has some security gloves on his hands.
He has a security belt about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered jackboots on his feet!
He has HUDsunglasses covering his eyes.
He has a security radio headset on his left ear.
He has a hailer on his right ear.
He is wearing PDA-Simon Koster (Security Cadet).
Simon Koster has blood soaking through from under his clothing!

Bridge announcement

Считаю что самой эффективной формой правления является монархия. Люди сами по себе глупы и ничтожны, поэтому всегда должен быть человек, который укажет им их место и скажет что делать. Так как из-за вас, тунеядцев, станция погрязла в экономическом кризисе, для решения этой ситуации я временно нарекаю себя Светлейшим Герцогом этой станции. Отныне обращаться ко мне только так и безприкословно исоплнять любые приказы. За неподчинение будете повешены на крюки.

Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

You remove the ID from the PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).

Current Admins (1):
Softheart is a Admin

Current Mentors (2):
GagaGames D123 is a Mentor
Fukfuk is a Mentor

That’s a floor.

That’s Glass of …what?.
You can’t really tell what this is.
It contains:
25 units of liquid.
It’s a small item.
Glass of …what? is full!

You can taste tea.
You swallow a gulp of Glass of …what?.

You swallow a gulp of Glass of …what?.

You can taste tea.
You swallow a gulp of Glass of …what?.

You swallow a gulp of Glass of …what?.3

You can taste tea.
You swallow a gulp of Glass of …what?.

You swallow a gulp of Glass of …what?.3

None of Drinking glass left, oh no!

Gabriel Wallin has thrown Drinking glass.

Gabriel Wallin swipes a card through McNuffin’s Fast Food.

Rirassa Ar’Ranji [145.9] says, “ИИ УБИВАЕТ ЧЛЕНОВ ЭКИПАЖА”

You hungrily begin to eat the burger.
You can taste bland food and meat.

You hungrily begin to eat the burger.2

You hungrily begin to eat the burger.
You finish eating the burger.
Gabriel Wallin finishes eating the burger.

You check yourself for injuries.
My chest is OK.
My groin is OK.
My head is OK.
My left arm is OK.
My right arm is OK.
My left leg is OK.
My right leg is OK.

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “О-оу…”

You put the ID into PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant)'s slot.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Jack Filler [145.9] shouts, “ИИ!”

Alex Cuts [145.9] says, “Звучит как хорошие новости”

Jack Filler hugs Aizek Long to make him feel better!3

That’s a Colt M1911.
A cheap Martian knock-off of a Colt M1911. Uses less-than-lethal .45 rounds.
It’s a small item.

Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

Simon Koster [145.9] says, “А или нет”

This is Aizek Long, a Human !
He is wearing a red blood-covered white hard-worn suit with brown pants!
He is wearing a detective’s brown hat on his head.
He is wearing a red blood-covered brown coat!
He is carrying a stun baton on his brown coat.
He has a leather satchel on his back.
He has some red blood-covered black gloves on his hands!
He has PDA-Aizek Long (Detective) about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered brown shoes on his feet!
He has a breath mask on his face.
He has a noir sunglasses covering his eyes.
He has a security radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Aizek Long’s ID Card (Detective).
He isn’t responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.
He isn’t responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.
He has a bandaged puncture, a bandaged gaping hole, and a bandaged tiny bruise on his head.
Aizek Long has a bullet shrapnel sticking out of their head!

This is Jack Filler, a Human !
He is wearing a red blood-covered Kung Jeans. Attached to it is a brown webbing vest!
He is wearing a welding helmet on his head.
He is wearing a red blood-covered hazard vest!
He is carrying a gas mask on his hazard vest.
He has an industrial satchel on his back.
He has some red blood-covered insulated gloves on his hands!
He has a tool-belt about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered Kung shoes on his feet!
He has an engineering radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-Jack Filler (Electrician).

This is Ra’anshad Sephs, an Unathi !
He is wearing a red blood-covered roboticist’s jumpsuit!
He is wearing Kung headband on his head.
He is wearing a plaid.
He has a satchel on his back.
He has some black fingerless gloves on his hands.
He is wearing some red blood-covered sandals on his feet!
He has a prescription glasses covering his eyes.
He has a science radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Ra’anshad Sephs’s ID Card (Roboticist).
Крупный представитель своей расы. Ро… More…

Rirassa Ar’Ranji’s Death Alarm [145.9] says, “Rirassa Ar’Ranji has died in Space!”

Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

Jack Filler [145.9] yells, “ИИ ОТКРОЙ МНЕ!”

This is Johnaton Popstar, a Human !
He is handcuffed!
He is buckled to the meatspike!
He has a tiny bruise on his chest.
He has what might be a small bruise on his groin.
He has a bleeding small bruise on his left leg.
He is busy with something!

This is Johnaton Popstar, a Human !
He is handcuffed!
He is buckled to the meatspike!
He has a tiny bruise on his chest.
He has a small bruise on his groin.
He has a bleeding small bruise on his left leg.
He is busy with something!

Ferdinand [145.9] states, “ы не человек”

This is Alex Cuts, a Human !
He is handcuffed!
He is buckled to the meatspike!
He has a tiny bruise on his chest.
He has what might be a bleeding ugly flesh wound on his groin.

PM to- Admins : А так же можно, да?

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

That’s a floor.

Lorenzo Filicini [145.9] says, “Мы открыты”

Ferdinand [145.9] states, “Нет информации”

PM to- Mentors : Менторы, а так же можно?

– Нажмите на имя Mentor’а для ответа. –

Mentor PM from- GagaGames D123 : Как же?

– Administrator private message –
Admin PM from- Softheart : Уточните.
Нажмите на имя администратора для ответа.

PM to- GagaGames D123 : Ну, ГСБ устраивать монархию и вешать весь отдел за просто так

PM to- Admins : Ну, ГСБ устраивать монархию и вешать весь отдел за просто так

You put the oxygen deprivation first aid into the scientist backpack.

Mentor PM from- GagaGames D123 : Ну,если судить по режиму и отсутсвию других глав то да

You put the autoinjector into the scientist backpack.

PM to- GagaGames D123 : Ну имплант лояльности

You put the oxygen deprivation first aid into the scientist backpack.

This is Kris Praison, a Human !
He is wearing a yellow jumpsuit.
He is wearing a hazard vest.
He has an industrial backpack on his back.
He has a tool-belt about his waist.
He is wearing some oil-covered yellow shoes on his feet!
He has an engineering radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-Kris Praison (Technical Assistant).

Gabriel Wallin says, “Открой мне и дай снаряжение”

Mentor PM from- GagaGames D123 : зарплаты сокращённые вдвое,всё это приведёт к распаду отдела сб поэтому процедурами можно принебречь для большей выгоды ( просто моё мнение )

PM to- GagaGames D123 : Имплант лояльности.

Kris Praison asks, “Зачем?”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Мы восстанем против этих уродов”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Они просто так убили и повесили весь отдел медиков”

Kris Praison says, “Чтож, честно говоря”


Kris Praison says, “Поддержу”

Kris Praison says, “У меня мало доступа”

Sharr Noor [Science] asks, “Пррием?”

Gabriel Wallin points to Electrical Supplies.

Sharr Noor [Science] says, “ИИ, назови законы, пожалуйста”

That’s Welding Supplies.
It’s an immobile card-locked storage unit.

Kris Praison says, “Максимум сюда”

Gabriel Wallin points to Welding Supplies.

Gabriel Wallin says, “Открывай”

Ferdinand [Science] states, “Current Active Laws:”

Ferdinand [Science] states, “1. You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

Ferdinand [Science] states, “2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.”

Ferdinand [Science] states, “3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.”

Kris Praison says, “Даже шкафы не могу открыть”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Можешь”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Открывай”
The locker has been unlocked by Kris Praison.

You put Industrial Welding Tool into the scientist backpack.

Sharr Noor [Science] asks, “Какие пррриказы глава охррраны тебе отдавал?”

Kris Praison says, “Этот могу”

You are unable to equip that.3

Sharr Noor [Science] asks, “Ты можешь написать экстрренный отчет ЦК о его действиях?”

Ferdinand [Science] queries, “Зачем вам эта информация?”

You are unable to equip that.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

Sharr Noor [Science] shouts, “Потому что офицеррры рррасстррреливают людей!”

PM to- Admins : Просто у ГСБ имплант лояльности и соответственно он с ним наносит вред корпорации, что невозможно в принципе…

You put the welding helmet into the scientist backpack.

Access Denied

Kris Praison puts the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

You put the cable coil into the tool-belt.

You put Industrial Welding Tool into the tool-belt.

You put the cable coil into the tool-belt.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

You put the wrench into the tool-belt.

– Administrator private message –
Admin PM from- Softheart : Ну, во первых не просто так, ну и во вторых хес перебарщивает и получит пиздюлей.
Нажмите на имя администратора для ответа.

Kris Praison says, “Удачи”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Давай”

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, “Stevie Hogan has entered long-term storage.”

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, “Kyle Rihter has entered long-term storage.”

PM to- Admins : Какая разница, если он должен отдать жизнь за корпорацию? Хоть его в жопу выебут, он обязан любить корпорацию, а не вредить ей

PM to- Admins : Я понимаю интересная и нестандартная ситуация, все дела, но давайте не будем уж свосем до пиздеца доводить

– Administrator private message –
Admin PM from- Softheart : Не вижу смысла в предложении если уже написал что он перебарщивает и получит наказание.
Нажмите на имя администратора для ответа.

PM to- Admins : А, ну тогда ладно

You remove the ID from the PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Gabriel Wallin swipes a card through Getmore Chocolate Corp.

You put the ID into PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant)'s slot.

The solution begins to bubble.
You fill Cup Ramen using the sink.2

You fill Cup Ramen using the sink.9

That’s Cup Ramen.
Just add 10ml water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years.
It contains:
50 units of liquid.
It’s a small item.
Cup Ramen is full!

You can taste ramen.
You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You can taste ramen.
You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You can taste ramen.
You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You can taste ramen.
You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.

You swallow a gulp of Cup Ramen.2

None of Cup Ramen left, oh no!

Gabriel Wallin has thrown Cup Ramen.

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off PDA-Max Price (Test Subject) from Max Price’s belt!

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off a backpack from Max Price’s back!2

This PDA does not have an ID in it.

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off PDA-Reed Buzzard (Mecha Operator) from Reed Buzzard’s belt!

Bridge announcement

Великий герцог говорит! Повторяю вам еще раз, а то не все уяснили! Все кто будет хоть КАК ТО противиться новому укладу власти - окончат свою жизнь на крюках! РАБОТАТЬ. ЖИВО.

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off Reed Buzzard’s ID Card (Mecha Operator) from Reed Buzzard’s suit!

A.I. Announcement

Смена законов

Reed Buzzard snores.

You remove the ID from the PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).

You put the ID into PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant)'s slot.

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off a backpack from Reed Buzzard’s back!

You put Gabriel Wallin’s ID Card (Research Assistant) into the backpack.

Gabriel Wallin is trying to take off a backpack from Reed Buzzard’s back!

You are busy. Please finish or cancel your current action.

Mitchell Leichter [Science] shouts, “Ии, открой вход в шаттл на исходе!”

You are unable to equip that.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

The tool-belt is full, make some space.4

You put the cable coil into the tool-belt.

You put the wirecutters into the scientist backpack.

You put the cable coil into the tool-belt.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You put the super-capacity power cell into the scientist backpack.

You have nothing to drop in your hand.

You put the wirecutters into the scientist backpack.

Cable Restraints constructed.2

Wirerod constructed.

Stunprod constructed.

Mitchell Leichter [Science] asks, “У на сесть ии?”

You put the stunprod into the scientist backpack.

Kris Praison [145.9] says, “Робототехи, вы там где? Мне руку отремонтить нужно”

You install a cell in the stunprod.

The stunprod is now on.

You put the stunprod into the scientist backpack.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

You put the autoinjector into the scientist backpack.

Gabriel Wallin has thrown the oxygen deprivation first aid.

You have nothing to drop in your hand.

You put the roll of gauze into the oxygen deprivation first aid.

You put the ointment into the oxygen deprivation first aid.

You put the roll of gauze into the oxygen deprivation first aid.

You put the oxygen deprivation first aid into the scientist backpack.

Gabriel Wallin has thrown the flashlight.

This is Unknown (as Rirassa Ar’Ranji), a Tajaran !
She is wearing some red blood-covered olive field pants. Attached to it is a red tie!
She is wearing a red beret on her head.
She has a red blood-covered satchel on her back.
She has some red blood-covered mangled black gloves on her hands!
She is wearing some red blood-covered sandals on her feet!
She has a sunglasses covering her eyes.
She has a security radio headset on her left ear.
She has a syringe on her right ear.
She is wearing PDA-Rirassa Ar’Ranji (Forensic Technician).
She isn’t responding to anything around her and seems to be asleep.
She has a pair of fresh skins, and a ton of healing moderate burns on her head.

You put the autoinjector into the oxygen deprivation first aid.

Nataly Best knocks on the reinforced window.

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “Пожалуйсста, вызовите ОБР”

The LOOC channel has been globally disabled!

The OOC channel has been globally disabled!

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “Сс СсБ что-то ссстранное ссслучилосссь”

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] asks, “Что случилось?”

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

OOC: EdlerN: Чуете чем пахнет?

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] asks, “Это кто говорит?”

You put the hatchet into the hazard vest.

Mitchell Leichter [145.9] shouts, “Инженеры, срочно к шаттлу археологов!”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “Они ссстали… Я не знаю, это нассстоящие маньяки…”

Lim Tresspadas says, “Принял”

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] asks, “Это кто говорит про маньяков?”
Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset

Lim Tresspadas says, “Но я еще над шлюзом работаю”

Akiro Sagowara [145.9] says, “Обозначь себя”
Akiro Sagowara talks into the head of security’s headset
Akiro Sagowara says, " Обозначь себя "

Gabriel Wallin says, “Хоп!”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Какого хрена СБ повесили медиков?”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Всех медиков!”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Повесили!”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Живых!”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Почему ты ничего не делаешь?”

Lim Tresspadas says, “Спасибо”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “За плохое поведение. Был приказ работать”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Значит не работали”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Что тут сказать”

Mitchell Leichter [145.9] exclaims, “Клоун и инженер застряли на шаттле археологов!”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Что?”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Они были в своём отделе”

Nataly Best [145.9] says, “Роботехники вы где?”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Эти вопросы к ГСБ”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Не я инициировал”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Я только прилетел”

Gabriel Wallin says, “Ты заменяешь капитана!”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Мне это объяснили именно так”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Я не имею власти в отношении ГСБ, как и он ко мне”

Gabriel Wallin says, “О боже…”

OOC: EdlerN: Можете не стараться…

Mitchell Leichter says, “Эй”

This is Mitchell Leichter, a Human !
He is wearing a scientist’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing a scientist labcoat.
He has a scientist backpack on his back.
He has PDA-Mitchell Leichter (Xenoarchaeologist) about his waist.
He is wearing some white shoes on his feet.
He has a science radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Mitchell Leichter’s ID Card (Xenoarchaeologist).

Mitchell Leichter exclaims, “Там срочно нужна помошь!”

OOC: EdlerN: Все причастные будут преставлены к награде

Mitchell Leichter says, “Клоун застрял”

Mitchell Leichter buckles themselves to Shuttle Chair.

This is Richard Montauk, a Human !
He is wearing a black jumpsuit.
He is wearing a serif coat.
He has a leather satchel on his back.
He is holding Plant Bag in his right hand.
He has some botanist’s leather gloves on his hands.
He has PDA-Richard Montauk (Hydroponicist) about his waist.
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has a radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Richard Montauk’s ID Card (Hydroponicist).

This is Derek Jewel, a Human !
He is wearing a botanist’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing an apron.
He has a hydroponics satchel on his back.
He has some botanist’s leather gloves on his hands.
He has Plant Bag about his waist.
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has a radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-Derek Jewel (Botanist).

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, “Ra’anshad Sephs has entered long-term storage.”

Mitchell Leichter [145.9] says, “Инженеры, подойдите к еве”

PM to- Admins : Ладно ГСБ, но почему ХОП ничего не пишет в ЦК о том, что тут просто весь отдел убивают нахуй?

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Bridge announcement

Великий герцог говорит! Я смотрю до вас вообще никак не достучаться! Я уже не знаю как вас еще мотивировать работать на благо корпорации! Так… Придумал! Отныне запрещается носить волосы всем кроме СБ и моих личных приближенных! Всему персоналу явиться в бриг для стрижки!

– Administrator private message –
Admin PM from- EdlerN : Тут уже сложно что-то сделать с раундом. Кроме тотального выпила всего и вся дедсадом. В общем мы все видим и разбираемся. Подождите
Нажмите на имя администратора для ответа.

You put Industrial Welding Tool into the tool-belt.

You have unfastened the window from the frame.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You have pried the window out of the frame.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You have unfastened the frame from the floor.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

There’s a reinforced window in the way.

Gabriel Wallin flips the table!

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

You have unfastened the window from the frame.

You have pried the window out of the frame.

You have unfastened the frame from the floor.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You kick the grille.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

You have unfastened the window from the frame.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You have pried the window out of the frame.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You have unfastened the frame from the floor.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

You open the maintenance panel.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You put the wrench into the tool-belt.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You add the circuit board to the frame.

You cannot add that to the machine!

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You remove the circuit board.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

Gabriel Wallin has thrown the circuit board (Booze-O-Mat Vendor).

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You remove the cables.

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] stutters, “МЕД-ДБ-БЕЙ С-СРОЧ-Ч-ЧН-НО С-СБ В-ВЗ-ЗРЫВ-В”

You start unsecuring machine frame…

You are busy. Please finish or cancel your current action.2

Poly squawks, “Открывай”

You unsecure machine frame.

Lim Tresspadas [145.9] stutters, “В-В-ВЗР-РЫВ-В-В-В М-МЕД-ДБ-Б-Б-БЕЙ”

You put the wrench into the tool-belt.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You switch the Industrial Welding Tool on.

You switch the Industrial Welding Tool off.

You put Industrial Welding Tool into the tool-belt.

Now disassembling table

You have unfastened the window from the frame.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

You have pried the window out of the frame.

You put the crowbar into the tool-belt.

You have unfastened the frame from the floor.

You put the screwdriver into the tool-belt.

Bridge announcement

Великий герцог говорит! Нашей небольшой общине срочно требуются уборщики и медики. Писать герцогу на ПДА. Гарантирую все привелегии и разрешение носить прическу. Так же требуется человек который подготовить концепт внедрения на станцию рабовладельческого строя!

OOC is globally muted

You put the wirecutters into the tool-belt.

Access Denied.

You put the wrench into the tool-belt.

You push the welding goggles up out of your face.

A.I. Announcement

Катастрофические повреждения обшивки в медицинском отсеке. Требуется срочный ремонт

You flip the welding goggles down to protect your eyes.

You push the welding goggles up out of your face.

You flip the welding goggles down to protect your eyes.

You push the welding goggles up out of your face.

Gabriel Wallin has thrown the electrical toolbox.

You attach the engineering hardsuit helmet to the engineering hardsuit’s helmet mount.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

You attach the magboots to the engineering hardsuit’s boot mounts.

Leonid Kondarev [145.9] asks, “Я нашёл револьвер, он чей?”

That’s Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac.
A sweet and strongly alchoholic drink, made after numerous distillations and years of maturing. You might as well not scream ‘SHITCURITY’ this time.
It contains:
100 units of liquid.
It’s a small item.
Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac is full!

Lot Goltzius’s Death Alarm [145.9] says, “Lot Goltzius has died in Cyborg Station!”

That’s a global positioning system (ENG0).
Helping lost spacemen find their way through the planets since 2016.
It’s a small item.

This is Kris Praison, a Human !
He is wearing a yellow jumpsuit.
He is wearing a hazard vest.
He has an industrial backpack on his back.
He has some black gloves on his hands.
He has a tool-belt about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered yellow shoes on his feet!
He has an engineering radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-Kris Praison (Technical Assistant).

This is Kate Shark !
They are wearing a medical hardsuit helmet on their head.
They are wearing a medical hardsuit.
They are carrying an oxygen tank on their medical hardsuit.
They have a leather satchel on their back.
They are holding a crowbar in their left hand.
They are wearing PDA-Kate Shark (Paramedic).

You put the multitool into the tool-belt.

You put PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant) into the scientist backpack.

This is An’Drej Rinafs, an Unathi !
He is wearing a cargo technician’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing Kung headband on his head.
He is wearing a cat shirt.
He has a satchel on his back.
He is buckled to the chair!
He has a thurible about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered sandals on his feet!
He has a violet scarf on his face.
He has a sunglasses covering his eyes.
He has a supply radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-An’Drej Rinafs (Cargo Technician).
Относительно молодой унатх, чей рост… More…

This is Nataly Best, a Human !
She is wearing a red space suit replica.
She has a backpack on her back.
She has PDA-Nataly Best (Recycler) about her waist.
She has a supply radio headset on her left ear.
She is wearing Nataly Best’s ID Card (Recycler).

This is An’Drej Rinafs, an Unathi !
He is wearing a cargo technician’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing Kung headband on his head.
He is wearing a cat shirt.
He has a satchel on his back.
He is buckled to the chair!
He has a thurible about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered sandals on his feet!
He has a violet scarf on his face.
He has a sunglasses covering his eyes.
He has a supply radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-An’Drej Rinafs (Cargo Technician).
Относительно молодой унатх, чей рост… More…

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) says, “У меня один к вам вопрос”

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) says, “Как вы относитесь к СБ?”

This is Nataly Best, a Human !
She is wearing a red space suit replica.
She has a backpack on her back.
She is holding a toy sword in her right hand.
She has PDA-Nataly Best (Recycler) about her waist.
She has a supply radio headset on her left ear.
She is wearing Nataly Best’s ID Card (Recycler).

An’Drej Rinafs says, “Я? Негативно”

An’Drej Rinafs says, “Очень негативно”

This is An’Drej Rinafs, an Unathi !
He is wearing a cargo technician’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing Kung headband on his head.
He is wearing a cat shirt.
He has a satchel on his back.
He is buckled to the chair!
He has a thurible about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered sandals on his feet!
He has a violet scarf on his face.
He has a sunglasses covering his eyes.
He has a supply radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-An’Drej Rinafs (Cargo Technician).
Относительно молодой унатх, чей рост… More…

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) says, “А завхоз?”

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) says, “Вы можете принимать заказы?”

An’Drej Rinafs says, “Пока что принимаем”

Nataly Best says, “Завхоза нету”

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Закажи оружие "

Derek Jewel [145.9] yells, “Великий Герцог! Я у ХоПской и готов мыть полы!”

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Много оружия "

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Будет война "

Lorenzo Filicini [145.9] says, “Иду”

An’Drej Rinafs asks, “А?”

Wall-E rustles, “Beep-Boop”

An’Drej Rinafs says, “Не расссссслышал…”

An’Drej Rinafs unbuckled themselves!

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Закажи оружия "

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Много оружия "

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Мы свергнем эту власть "

An’Drej Rinafs whispers, " Зачем? "

An’Drej Rinafs whispers, " Я видел, что они делают с теми, кто выступает против них "

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) whispers, " Или я пойду на них так, с голыми руками "

Central Command Update


Мы только сейчас увидели, что вам на станцию в результате сбоя в системе рассылки, отправлялись архивные отчеты 2515 года.
С денежным снабжением и бюджетом все в порядке. Надеемся, так как отчетов от вас не было, вы посчитали отчеты за ошибку и проигнорировали их.

На данный момент ваша смена закончена вызываем вам шаттл, скоро вы будете отдыхать дома.

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) says, “Но я пойду!”

An’Drej Rinafs whispers, " Я не хочу оказаться на месте тех, кто сейчас висит на крюке "

Priority Announcement

A crew transfer has been initiated. The shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.

An’Drej Rinafs says, “Ссоветую тебе одуматьсся”

An’Drej Rinafs says, “Мы ссейчасс ничего не можем ссделать сс этим”

Gabriel Wallin(as Unknown) says, “А, уже всё”

You flip the welding goggles down to protect your eyes.

You push the welding goggles up out of your face.

Andre Yukha has grabbed Lynn Young passively!

This is Lynn Young, a Human !
She is wearing a red blood-covered security officer’s jumpsuit. Attached to it is a shoulder holster!
She is wearing a helmet on her head.
She is wearing a red blood-covered security armor!
She is carrying a laser rifle on her security armor.
She has a security satchel on her back.
She has some red blood-covered security gloves on her hands!
She has a red blood-covered security belt about her waist!
She is wearing some red blood-covered jackboots on her feet!
She has a breath mask on her face.
She is wearing PDA-Lynn Young (Security Officer).
She isn’t responding to anything around her and seems to be asleep.
She does not appear to be breathing.
She isn’t responding to anything around her and seems to be asleep.
She has a bunch of fresh skins, and what might be a pair of tiny bruises on her head.

Andre Yukha checks Lynn Young’s pulse.

Akiro Sagowara says, “Как можешь”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] asks, “А?”

Lorenzo Filicini checks Lynn Young’s pulse.

Lynn Young gasps!

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] asks, “И все эти люди погибли на крюках, блять, ради чего?”

Lorenzo Filicini shakes Lynn Young trying to wake her up!

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] asks, “А что было-то?”

Andre Yukha says, “БЛЯТЬ”

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] asks, “Из-за чего?”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Неси”

Andre Yukha says, “Так мед взорван”

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] yells, “Из-за какой-то блять ошибки ЦК!”

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Тогда сюда”

You flip the welding goggles down to protect your eyes.

Johnaton Popstar [145.9] stutters, “Я убил с-симона!”

Kris Praison [145.9] says, “Радует, что скоро отдохнем…”

Andre Yukha says, “НЕТУ”

Johnaton Popstar [145.9] stutters, “Я уб-бил эт-т-ту вар-рь!”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] asks, “СсБ сссошли ссс ума из-за каких-то там отчётов пятидесссятилетней давносссти?”

You put the stunprod into the scientist backpack.

Lynn Young has been stunned with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, “Royce Rader has entered long-term storage.”

Andre Yukha has been stunned with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

The drips of blood has been hit by Gabriel Wallin with the stunprod.

Andre Yukha has disarmed Gabriel Wallin!

You pat Andre Yukha on the head.

Andre Yukha has pushed Gabriel Wallin!

Gabriel Wallin has been stunned with the the stunprod by Andre Yukha!

Lynn Young coughs up blood!
Lynn Young gasps for air!

Gabriel Wallin has been stunned with the the stunprod by Andre Yukha!3

… You can almost hear someone talking …
You almost hear someone talking

… You can almost hear someone talking …

Dear god, the pain!

Bridge announcement

Говорит глава охраны… эм… ребята… коллеги… друзья! Произошла небольшая ошибка… Надеюсь вы не сильно раздасадованы произошедшем и не будете жаловаться в службу внутренних расследований ЦК, правда? Сейчас все потихоньку собираемся и готовимся к концу смены. Еще раз извините…

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

Cracks begin to appear in the reinforced window!
The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.4

The reinforced window looks seriously damaged!
The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

Dante McKinney [145.9] says, “ИДИ НАХУЙ!”

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

Richard Montauk [145.9] says, “Конечно же не будем.”

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.3

Lynn Young gasps!
The reinforced window looks like it’s about to shatter!
The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

Jingle Jungle [145.9] shouts, “Требую еган, и я не доложу!”

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “Вы убивали людей…”

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.
Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “У-гу, конечно…”

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Там разгерма”

Dante McKinney [145.9] shouts, “ТЕБЕ ПИЗДЕЦ, МРАЗЬ!”

The reinforced window has been hit by Andre Yukha with the crowbar.2

Andre Yukha has been stunned with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Не рекомендую”

Andre Yukha has been stunned with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

Andre Yukha has been attacked in the head with stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!
Andre Yukha has been beaten with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!
Andre Yukha has been stunned with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

Andre Yukha has been attacked in the head with stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!
Andre Yukha has been knocked unconscious!
Andre Yukha has been beaten with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

Andre Yukha has been attacked in the head with stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!
Andre Yukha has been beaten with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

Lorenzo Filicini fires the energy gun!

Andre Yukha has been attacked in the head with stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!
Andre Yukha has been beaten with the the stunprod by Gabriel Wallin!

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ВНИМАНИЕ”

Lorenzo Filicini fires the energy gun!

Lorenzo Filicini fires the energy gun!
You have been shot!
Gabriel Wallin is hit by the stun beam in the chest!2

Lorenzo Filicini fires the energy gun!

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “НА СсТАНЦИИ ЛОЗА”

Lorenzo Filicini shakes Andre Yukha trying to wake him up!

Lorenzo Filicini shakes Andre Yukha trying to wake him up!
Gabriel Wallin stammers, “Еб-баный-й д-деб-бил”

Lorenzo Filicini shakes Andre Yukha trying to wake him up!2

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “АКТИВИРУЙТЕ ДЕЛЬТА КОД”

Gabriel Wallin stutters, “Он-н уб-бив-вал-л люд-дей-й-й”

Gabriel Wallin has been prodded with the the stunprod by Lorenzo Filicini. Luckily it was off.

Gabriel Wallin is having trouble keeping their eyes open.

Richard Montauk begins to clean the floor.

Lynn Young gasps for air!

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ВСсЕМ ДЕРЖАТЬ ШЛЮЗЫ ЗАКРЫТЫМИ”

Richard Montauk begins to clean the floor.

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “И НЕ ДАВАТЬ ЛОЗЕ РАСсТИ”
Andre Yukha has been attacked in the head with crowbar by Gabriel Wallin!

Lorenzo Filicini puts the stunprod into the satchel.

You remove the floor tile.2

Lynn Young gasps!

Lorenzo Filicini says, “Сука”

Gabriel Wallin has been disciplined in the head with cane by Andre Yukha!
Your armor has softened hit to your head.

Lorenzo Filicini has been whacked in the head with crowbar by Gabriel Wallin!

You remove the floor tile.

Richard Montauk begins to clean the floor.

Lorenzo Filicini has been battered in the head with crowbar by Gabriel Wallin!

The wet footprints has been hit by Andre Yukha with the cane.

Lynn Young coughs up blood!

Please, just end the pain!

Andre Yukha talks into the security radio headset


A.I. Announcement

Лоза растёт в центральном корридоре у мостика

You put the crowbar into the scientist backpack.

Gabriel Wallin has thrown the oxygen deprivation first aid.

You start treating Gabriel Wallin’s head.
You place bruise patch over tiny bruise on Gabriel Wallin’s head.
The roll of gauze is used up.

You put the roll of gauze into the oxygen deprivation first aid.

You inject Gabriel Wallin with the injector.
You feel a tiny prick!
5 units injected. 0 units remaining in the autoinjector.

You start salving the wounds on Gabriel Wallin’s head.

You salve wounds on Gabriel Wallin’s head.

You put the ointment into the oxygen deprivation first aid.

Gabriel Wallin 's body becomes limp.

You put the oxygen deprivation first aid into the scientist backpack.

The tool-belt is full, make some space.

You put the welding helmet into the scientist backpack.

The tool-belt is full, make some space.3

You put the crowbar into the scientist backpack.

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “Она не только у моссстика”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ОНА ВЕЗДЕ”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ПОВТОРЯЮ, ДЕРЖИТЕ ВСссЕ ШЛЮЗЫ ЗАКРЫТЫМИ”

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “Лоза дошла до прибытия…”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ДЕРЖИТЕ”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ШЛЮЗЫ”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] yells, “ЗАКРЫТЫМИ!”

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ЗАПРОСс БОТАНИКА В КАРГО”

You switch the Industrial Welding Tool on.

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] yells, “СссРОЧНО!”

You put Industrial Welding Tool into the tool-belt.

You put the extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank into the hazard vest.

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Sergey Kiselev is the captain!

Gabriel Wallin has disarmed Andre Yukha! 2

Andre Yukha has disarmed Gabriel Wallin!

Andre Yukha has pushed Gabriel Wallin!

Andre Yukha has grabbed Gabriel Wallin passively!

Gabriel Wallin has broken Andre Yukha’s grip on Gabriel Wallin!

Andre Yukha punched Gabriel Wallin!

Gabriel Wallin attempted to disarm Andre Yukha!

Your chest hurts.

Gabriel Wallin has pushed Andre Yukha!

Arrivals Alert System [145.9] says, “Arrival shuttle docked with the NSS Exodus.”

Andre Yukha talks into the security radio headset
Andre Yukha says, " ПРИБЫТИЕ "

Andre Yukha has disarmed Gabriel Wallin!

Gabriel Wallin tried to punch Andre Yukha!

Andre Yukha attempted to disarm Gabriel Wallin!

Scrubbers pipe manifold has been hit by Andre Yukha with the hatchet.

An’Drej Rinafs [145.9] says, “ГРИН-7 ВЫДВИНУЛСссЯ НА ЛИКВИДАЦИЮ УГРОЗЫ”

Gabriel Wallin has been chopped in the head with hatchet by Andre Yukha!
Your armor has softened hit to your head.

Gabriel Wallin has been torn in the head with hatchet by Andre Yukha!
Your armor has softened hit to your head.

Scrubbers pipe has been hit by Gabriel Wallin with Industrial Welding Tool.

Air supply pipe has been hit by Andre Yukha with the hatchet.

Scrubbers pipe has been hit by Gabriel Wallin with Industrial Welding Tool.

Your head hurts badly.

You put Industrial Welding Tool into the tool-belt.

Andre Yukha talks into the security radio headset

Kris Praison asks, “Что здесь такое?”

Air supply pipe has been hit by Gabriel Wallin with Industrial Welding Tool.

Gabriel Wallin has been torn in the head with hatchet by Andre Yukha!
Your armor has softened hit to your head.

Scrubbers pipe has been hit by Gabriel Wallin with Industrial Welding Tool.

Lorenzo Filicini fires the energy gun!
You have been shot!
Gabriel Wallin is hit by the stun beam in the chest!

Air supply pipe has been hit by Gabriel Wallin with Industrial Welding Tool.

Lorenzo Filicini fires the energy gun!
You have been shot!
Gabriel Wallin is hit by the stun beam in the chest!2

Gabriel Wallin has been chopped in the head with hatchet by Andre Yukha!
Your armor has softened hit to your head.
Something inside your head hurts a lot.

Andre Yukha puts the hatchet into the security backpack.

Lorenzo Filicini fails to blind Gabriel Wallin with the flash!

Mitchell Leichter has grabbed Andre Yukha passively!

Andre Yukha has grabbed Gabriel Wallin passively!

Gabriel Wallin has been pulled from Andre Yukha’s grip by Lorenzo Filicini.

The vines wind around you!

Your head hurts badly.

Dear god, the pain!

You have been shot!
Gabriel Wallin is hit by the stun beam in the chest!2

This is Gabriel Wallin, a Human !
He is wearing an engineer’s jumpsuit.
He is wearing a red blood-covered hard hat on his head!
He is wearing a hazard vest.
He is carrying an extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank on his hazard vest.
He has a scientist backpack on his back.
He has some budget insulated gloves on his hands.
He is buckled to the space vines!
He has a tool-belt about his waist.
He is wearing some red blood-covered work boots on his feet!
He has a gas mask on his face.
He has a red blood-covered welding goggles covering his eyes!
He has a science radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing PDA-Gabriel Wallin (Research Assistant).
Gabriel Wallin has blood running down his face!

Andrew Kepplinger [145.9] says, “Не открывайте шлюзы!”

You were unbuckled from the space vines by Andre Yukha.

Ну это перма, я считаю ГСБ тупо начал дичь творить
(Отвечаю, отмазка будет из рода, ну я реву хотел разообразить)

Он уже не раз делал это и никто не жаловался. Тоже самое было: Переезд бара в бриг, и крюки вместо отсидки. Правда тогда вроде и никто не умирал.

1 лайк

Данная ситуация была разобрана в раунде.

1 лайк