Идея изменений нюкерам

Я всегда считал, что бросать своих - признак хуесоса, говноеда и вообще плохого человека.

По-хорошему, это только на воксов распространяется.

А Мародеров Горлекса: одним больше, одним меньше… А полезешь спасать умирающего - сам отхватишь, а оно тебе надо? Там каждый сам за себя.

Gorlex Marauders The Gorlex Marauders are the founding members of the Syndicate Coalition. They prefer old-fashion technology and a focus on aggressive but precise hostility against Nanotrasen and their corrupt Communistic methodology. They pose the most significant threat to Nanotrasen because of their possession of weapons of mass destruction, and their enormous military force. Their funding comes primarily from Cybersun Industries, provided they meet a destruction and sabatogue quota. Their operations can vary from covert to all-out. They recently stepped down as the leaders of the coalition, to be succeeded by Cybersun Industries. Because of their hate of Nanotrasen communism, they began provoking revolution amongst the employees using borrowed Cybersun mind-manipulation technology. They were founded when Waffle and Donk co splinter cells joined forces based on their similar interests and philosophies. Today, they act as a constant pacifier of Donk and Waffle co disputes, and full-time aggressor of Nanotrasen. [b]Operative Notes:[/b] We'd like to remind our operatives to keep it professional. You are not here to have a good time, you are here to accomplish your objectives. These vile communists must be stopped at all costs. You may collaborate with any friends of the Syndicate coalition, but keep an eye on any of those Tiger punks if they do show up. You are completely free to accomplish your objectives any way you see fit. Operatives are given key words and phrases to identify other agents in the field.